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Fri, May 24


Sky Pond

Melt Your Mask


Melt Your Mask
Melt Your Mask

Time & Location

May 24, 2024, 8:30 AM – 7:30 PM

Sky Pond, 118 Rocky Rd, Apex, NC 27523, USA


About the event

Melt your mask and gain the connection you’ve always wanted

We all wear masks. In many, perhaps most, moments through the day we wear a persona or façade that we present to the outside world. This is the aspect of ourselves that we have constructed, often unconsciously, to protect our deeper vulnerabilities and to meet the expectations of society or our immediate environment. The Mask is like a protective layer, cultivated from an early age, that helps us navigate social interactions and fulfill roles that we believe are required of us to be accepted and loved.

This outer layer, however, can sometimes become a barrier to authentic connection and self-expression. It might shield our true feelings, desires, and aspects of our genuine nature, keeping us from living fully in the radiance of our true essence. In the dance of life, where each step is a note in the symphony of our existence, the Mask can muffle the music of our authentic self, leaving us feeling disconnected from our core vitality and the flow of life energy that moves through us.

Join Christine Stevralia, CCEP, and Ronen Goddard, PhD, in this all-day body-centered workshop in which we will engage in individual and group activities in order to become conscious of these protective mechanisms, understand their origins, and gently explore the feelings and vulnerabilities they conceal. The aim of this workshop is to invite a reconnection with our authentic self, allow the light of our true nature to shine forth more brightly, and facilitate a more genuine and heartfelt interaction with the world around us, and especially the people in our lives. It's a journey back to the heart, to the essence of who we truly are, beyond the roles and expectations we've taken on.

The workshop will be on May 24, 2024, at Sky Pond, in Apex, North Carolina, and will run from 8:30 AM to 7:30 PM. Lunch, as well as morning and afternoon snacks, are included.

Registration fee for this workshop is $175. Tuition assistance is available for those who need such assistance. Contact either Christine or Ronen with any questions and to register.

* Christine Stevralia: (484) 274-3726;

* Ronen Goddard: (703) 585-9220;

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Check out this animation by my colleague, Kellie Newton
Note: She uses the word “Mom” a lot. If “Mom” does not apply to you, you can substitute “the person whose uterus you grew in” for pre-natal events, and “your primary nurturer” for post-natal events. 

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